Moon of
Falling Leaves
Moon of the Falling Leaves

Much of October is Moon of the Falling Leaves. During this moon salmon fishing continues, while the harvest for most wild plants and seeds, as well as cattails and madrona bark and berries for tea, comes to a seasonal end. Wild bird hunting season begins for geese and ducks; hunting for big game continues. In this video, we learn about grilling salmon for Elders lunch. Listen to the Swinomish totem story of “The Boy and the Magic Robe.”



Cedar Box Cattail Webpage
To learn more about cattails including stories and recipes, click here!
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Cedar Box Cattail Webpage
To learn more about cattails including stories and recipes, click here!
Moon of the Falling Leaves Overview
To learn more about the Moon of the Falling Leaves, including stories and recipes, click here!