Moon of the Silver Salmon
Moon of

Silver Salmon

Moon of the Silver Salmon

Much of September is Moon of the Silver Salmon. Silvers, also called coho salmon, as well as other salmon return to the bays and rivers. Much of this salmon is smoked for winter use. Late summer berries, rosehips, and crab apples are harvested and preserved. Seeds, such as nettle, are collected. In this video, we learn how to fillet and can salmon, and make salmon roe into caviar. We also learn how to make juice and “Indian ice cream” from soapberries. We share the story of the maiden of Deception Pass.



Cultural Ecosystems

Explore the intricate webs of diverse traditions, values, arts, and beliefs that shape societies.
Illustration of mountains, rivers, forests, and human habitat.
Illustration of a cranberry flower.


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Food Forest Cultural Ecosystem

Click here for a food forest teaching lesson and explore the many wonders and gifts of forests.
Food Forest Cultural Ecosystem

Food Forest Cultural Ecosystem


Moon of the Silver Salmon Overview


Moon of the Silver Salmon Overview

To learn more about the Moon of the Silver Salmon, including stories and recipes, click here!
Illustration of a ceder tree branch.
Illustration of  salmon.
Illustration of clams.
Supported by
National Science Foundation
A National Science Foundation icon.