Moon of
Put Your Paddles Away
Moon to Put Paddles Away

Early November to early December is Moon to Put Your Paddles Away. This moon signals the time to move indoors for the coming winter season. Winter moons are the time to focus on making tools, baskets, and medicines. In this video, we share some of our recipe for our Medicine of the Trees workshops: cedar lotion bars, cedar oat bath salts, trauma balm, douglas fir lip balm, and beeswax wraps. Listen to Valerie Segrest share the story of the Tree People.


Cultural Ecosystems
Explore the intricate webs of diverse traditions, values, arts, and beliefs that shape societies.

Unlock the power of knowledge through interactive gameplay with Cedar Box Games and learn while having fun!
Northwest Tree game
Play the Northwest Tree Game and explore the rich diversity of native trees.
Moon to Put Paddles Away Overview
To learn more about the Moon to Put Paddles Away, including stories and recipes, click here!